The VIVANT RIFT is a concentrate and herbal vaporizer regarded as the OCULUS Rift of vapes. This device has a special tri-bowl heating chamber where it has three partitions. It utilizes a convection heating method, and the Rift vaporizer comes with a so-called turbo mode.

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By Vapospy Team on August 28, 2023 -
Updated on October 12, 2023

The VIVANT RIFT is an eclectic, compact, and pocket-friendly vaporizer designed in Orange County, California. It has a ground-breaking removable tri-bowl chamber; the RIFT is a versatile but easy-to-use and easy to clean. As for the operating side, you do not need to think so much as you may turn it on and set temperature and learn about how to fix the modes later.

The exterior design portrays how classy the device is, and the best part is the inside of the vaporizer matches the look that comes with it. Made by the highest quality material, VIVANT RIFT also possess a certification that proves how pure the vapor it produces. To top that up, the RIFT comes with an excellent user interface and a resealable odor-resistant mouthpiece, which will spark joy every time you use it.

It comes with the RIFT Technology, where the heating chamber is a Tri-Bowl, a removable heating chamber with two partitions that separate it into three bowls. This chamber allows you to place different materials at a time and vaporize your herbs in tiny chunks without grinding it. The removable oven gives the RIFT a lot of points as it makes the vaporizer more comfortable to clean and last longer. Another proof that VIVANT wants to be the RIFT to stays in your life for some time is the upgradeable firmware; it shows that they care that you will need improvements and upgrades in the future.

The RIFT vaporizer comes with a “Heat Recycler” technology, where it cools down the hot air coming out and heats the cold air going in. The technology and the fully isolated air-path save battery while ensuring extraction of the highest purity. Vibrates when the temperature reach, the RIFT heats up in temperature ranging between 120°C to 235°C and it took 9 seconds to reach as high as 165°C. The RIFT has three modes, as follows:

  • Optimized settings for herbs or concentrates: Like its name, it is simply the setting curated to vaporize your selected materials efficiently.
  • Session mode: The mode maintains the preset temperature for 2 minutes with an option to add 30 seconds before the session ends.
  • Turbo mode: The turbo mode utilizes maximum power and maximum temperature per set. So, you will have an on-demand vaporizing anytime by pressing the power button.

Each mode includes sessions and on-demand, so you can choose the flower settings with turbo mode or session and turbo mode together as you wish.


Check out a short but informative video of the VIVANT RIFT, where you may see every crooks and cranny of the device. You may also learn a bit more detail about the vaporizer and see how simple it is to operate.

What’s in the box?

  • 1x USB Cable
  • 3x Stainless Steel Concentrate Pad
  • 1x Cleaning Brush
  • 1x Guide
  • 1x Key Chain Tool


  • Brand / ManufacturerVivant
  • Portability: Portable Vaporizer
  • Usage:
  • Heating Technique:Hybrid (Convection / Conduction)
  • Temperature control:Full control
  • Energy Source: Battery
  • Chamber/oven material:Stainless steel
  • Delivery Method:Direct
  • Origin:USA
  • Temperature Settings:120°C - 235°C
  • Heat-up time:10 seconds
  • Size:11.5 x 3.8 x 2.3 cm
  • Warranty:2 year(s)
  • Other features:Haptic feedback

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